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Perma Cultura

Long time idea and a possible fitting game jam · By RielJoris


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And sometimes time stops
One of the lessons learned from my first game jam was, do wait till the last day to build some UI. So the last two days, I spend working on a title screen/game...
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Trees need to grow
Well, its was bit to easy, to plant full grown trees. So, Poor Patric now has to wait some time for his trees to grow. At the moment, it takes about 15 minutes...
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A few days later
This weekend I attended a nice festival, so, a very low priority to development. Well, I manage to get some groundwork done, pretty literal. Poor Patric has now...
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Here is Patrick
Introduction For some time know, I have this very general idea about making a simulation game about farming and permaculture. A game that is educational and pro...

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